Government & Politics

FG/UN to Distribute Food to 7.5 Million People in Nigeria

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FG/UN to Distribute Food to 7.5 Million People in Nigeria Amidst Looming Food Crisis

In a significant humanitarian effort, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in collaboration with the Nigerian government and other West and Central African nations has launched its food assistance program for the lean season, running from June to August. This initiative aims to reach 7.5 million people in the region, although it falls short of the staggering need caused by severe food insecurity.

The WFP’s statement reveals a dire situation: an estimated 55 million people across West and Central Africa are expected to face severe hunger during this lean season. Despite this critical need, funding constraints mean that only about 13% of those facing severe food insecurity will receive support from the program.

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The food crisis in the region is driven by a combination of factors including conflict, high food prices, and the climate crisis. Economic shocks, such as market disruptions and high inflation, have further exacerbated the situation, particularly affecting countries like Nigeria, Ghana, and Sierra Leone.

Nigeria, in particular, is bracing for severe hunger impacts, with approximately 16% of its population expected to experience severe hunger during this lean season. Recent reports by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) indicate an increase in the number of people facing food crises in Nigeria, up from 26 million to 32 million.

Earlier this year, the World Bank highlighted that seven states in Northern Nigeria are at risk of severe food insecurity in 2024 due to ongoing insecurity, climate change, and other challenges.



Despite the efforts of the WFP and other humanitarian organizations, the resources available for these operations are dwindling. As a result, the WFP has been forced to reduce the number of people it can assist, falling short of the initial target of 7.5 million people and emphasizing the need for increased funding to expand the program.

The joint effort by the WFP and the Nigerian government is part of a broader strategy to address the looming food crisis in the region. The program not only aims to provide immediate food assistance but also to support national governments’ lean season response plans in countries including Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Nigeria.

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The success of these efforts hinges on adequate funding and support from the international community. The WFP has indicated that it could potentially expand its reach to 12 million people if additional funding becomes available, underscoring the critical need for financial support to address the overwhelming food security challenges in West and Central Africa.

This initiative is crucial in mitigating the impacts of the food crisis, but the scale of the problem necessitates urgent and sustained support from global stakeholders. As the lean season progresses, the collaboration between the WFP and national governments will be vital in ensuring that the most vulnerable populations receive the assistance they desperately need.

In conclusion, while the launch of the food assistance program is a significant step forward, much more needs to be done to meet the unprecedented demand for food aid in West and Central Africa. The international community, including governments, organizations, and individuals, must unite to provide the necessary resources to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in the region.


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