
OOU ASUU Holds Rally to Prepare for Nationwide Strike

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OOU ASUU Holds Rally to Prepare for Nationwide Strike

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) at Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago Iwoye, held a rally on Wednesday to raise awareness and prepare stakeholders for an impending nationwide strike. This proactive move was led by the acting Chairman of the OOU branch, Dr. Olooto Wasiu, who spearheaded efforts to engage with both students and parents on campus.

Dr. Olooto and his fellow lecturers took to the university campus to inform students about the imminent strike, emphasizing its importance for the survival of Nigeria’s public universities. The rally extended beyond the university grounds, reaching out to parents and motorists at nearby bus terminals. The Union’s message was clear: the upcoming strike is a necessary step to address long-standing issues within the higher education sector. Placards carried by the lecturers conveyed powerful messages, such as “Nigerians, ASUU has sacrificed more than enough for the survival of the university system,” “FG stop playing politics with our educational system,” “Education is a right and not a privilege,” and “Our negotiation should be completed and implemented.” These messages aimed to highlight the urgency and legitimacy of the Union’s demands.

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Speaking with journalists post-rally, Dr. Olooto outlined several critical issues that remain unresolved, necessitating the strike action. Among these are the non-implementation of the 2009 ASUU/FG Agreement, despite years of negotiation, and the government’s failure to honor the terms agreed upon in full. The Union also developed the University Transparency and Accountability Solution (UTAS) as an alternative to the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS), which they argue is unsuitable for university settings. Additionally, the government owes lecturers three and a half months’ salary as part of a punitive ‘no work, no pay’ policy following a previous strike, and the dissolution of some Federal University Governing Councils before the end of their tenure remains a point of contention. Dr. Olooto stressed that these issues, along with the government’s failure to ensure university autonomy, highlight the need for urgent action.

The rally was organized following a directive from the national ASUU body, with the aim of sensitizing stakeholders to the impending strike. Dr. Olooto emphasized the importance of this advance notice, ensuring that no one would be taken by surprise when the strike commences. The Union has chosen to delay the strike until July to give stakeholders ample time to prepare. “The basis of the rally we had today is to sensitize our students and stakeholders in the university about the impending action,” said Dr. Olooto. “The action may be determined by circumstances. It might be a strike or something else.” He also highlighted the comprehensive efforts of lecturers post-strike, ensuring that students received the full breadth of their education despite previous disruptions.



As the date for the nationwide strike draws nearer, the ASUU at OOU is committed to keeping all stakeholders informed and prepared. The Union’s rally underscores the critical issues at stake and the collective resolve of lecturers to fight for the future of Nigeria’s public universities.

Source: Punch Nigeria.

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