
BREAKING: AVACOIN Announces Date to End Mining Gold Dust

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AVACOIN Announces Date to End Mining Gold Dust

End of Gold Dust Mining

As of June 1, 2024, a significant change will occur in the AVACOIN ecosystem. The mining of Gold Dust, the precursor to AVACOIN, will be officially discontinued. This decision marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new phase in the AVACOIN project. For current holders of Gold Dust, this shift brings new opportunities and a streamlined process for converting their holdings into AVACOIN tokens.

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About the Gold Dust Conversion

The conversion of Gold Dust into AVACOIN tokens is a key part of this transition. Existing Gold Dust holders will have their assets automatically converted into AVACOIN tokens. This process ensures that no value is lost and that users can seamlessly transition to the new token system. The conversion rate is set at 1 AVACOIN for every 1,000 Gold Dust. This clear and straightforward rate allows holders to understand the value of their new tokens easily.

Why Convert Gold Dust to AVACOIN?

The shift from Gold Dust to AVACOIN is designed to simplify and enhance the user experience within the AVACOIN ecosystem. Converting Gold Dust into AVACOIN tokens preserves the value of users’ current holdings and integrates them into a more robust and versatile token economy. AVACOIN tokens offer greater utility, broader accessibility, and are positioned for extensive use within the expanding AVACOIN platform.

Step-by-Step Conversion Process

  1. Automatic Conversion: On June 1, 2024, all existing Gold Dust will be automatically converted to AVACOIN tokens.
  2. Notification: Users will receive notifications confirming the conversion details and the amount of AVACOIN tokens credited to their accounts.
  3. Wallet Update: Users’ wallets will reflect the new AVACOIN balance, replacing the old Gold Dust balance.
  4. Exchange Listing: Shortly after the conversion, AVACOIN tokens will be listed on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing for trading and liquidity.

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Ensuring a Smooth Transition

To ensure a smooth transition from Gold Dust to AVACOIN, the development team has put in place several measures:

  • User Support: A dedicated support team will be available to assist users with any questions or issues related to the conversion.
  • Transparent Communication: Regular updates and detailed information will be provided through official channels, including the AVACOIN website and social media platforms.
  • Security Measures: Enhanced security protocols will be implemented to protect user assets during the conversion process.

Token Issuance and Exchange Listing

The issuance of AVACOIN tokens will be followed by their listing on various cryptocurrency exchanges. This step is crucial as it provides liquidity and facilitates trading for the token. By being listed on multiple exchanges, AVACOIN aims to achieve broad accessibility and foster a vibrant trading environment. The date for the listings will be announced soon, ensuring that investors and users are well-prepared for the launch.

Understanding the Conversion Rate

The set conversion rate of 1 AVACOIN for every 1,000 Gold Dust is designed to simplify the transition and provide clarity to users. This rate has been carefully calculated to reflect the value of Gold Dust and to ensure a fair and equitable exchange. Users can rest assured that their Gold Dust holdings will be honoured and accurately converted into AVACOIN tokens, preserving their investment and participation in the ecosystem.

Activity-Based Rewards for Users

In addition to the basic conversion, AVACOIN introduces a system of activity-based rewards. Users can earn additional AVACOIN tokens through various in-game activities. These activities include boosts, rafts, guilds, trading on the market, and stamped gold. This reward system is designed to encourage active participation and engagement within the AVACOIN ecosystem. The specific reward coefficients will be announced soon, providing users with detailed information on how to maximize their earnings.

Boosts and Rafts

Boosts and rafts are critical components of the AVACOIN gaming experience. By participating in these activities, users can earn extra tokens, enhancing their gameplay and increasing their AVACOIN holdings. Boosts provide temporary enhancements that can help players achieve specific goals more efficiently, while rafts allow for exploration and resource gathering, both of which are integral to the game’s economy.

Guilds and Market Trading

Guilds offer a community aspect where players can join forces, share resources, and strategize together. Being part of a guild can significantly increase a player’s ability to earn rewards. Market trading, on the other hand, involves buying, selling, and trading various items within the game. Successful trades can result in substantial AVACOIN rewards, making this an attractive option for savvy players.

Stamped Gold

Stamped gold represents a unique form of in-game currency that can be converted into AVACOIN tokens. By collecting and stamping gold, players can engage in a valuable activity that directly contributes to their token balance. This feature adds another layer of depth to the reward system, offering multiple pathways for users to earn AVACOIN.

New Mining Methods: Tasks and Staking

Starting from June 1, 2024, AVACOIN introduces new methods for mining tokens. Unlike traditional mining, which relies on computational power, AVACOIN mining will be based on completing tasks and staking. This approach democratizes the mining process, making it accessible to a broader audience and reducing the environmental impact typically associated with cryptocurrency mining.

Task-Based Mining

Task-based mining involves completing specific activities or challenges within the AVACOIN platform. These tasks are designed to be engaging and rewarding, ensuring that users can earn tokens through active participation. This method encourages users to stay involved in the ecosystem, continually contributing to its growth and development.


Staking is another innovative method introduced by AVACOIN. By staking their tokens, users can earn rewards over time. This process involves locking up a certain amount of AVACOIN in a wallet to support network operations such as transaction validation. In return, stakers receive additional tokens as a reward for their contribution to the network’s security and efficiency.


The upcoming changes to the AVACOIN ecosystem mark a significant milestone. The end of Gold Dust mining and the introduction of new mining methods, coupled with a seamless conversion process and activity-based rewards, position AVACOIN for substantial growth and engagement. These updates not only enhance the user experience but also ensure a robust and dynamic ecosystem for all participants.

For more detailed information, you can follow the official announcement on their Twitter.

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