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BREAKING: Pele’s Mother, Celeste Arantes, Dies at 101

Pele's Mother, Celeste Arantes, Dies at 101

In a somber announcement, the family of Brazilian football legend Pele has revealed that his mother, Celeste Arantes, passed away at the age of 101. Arantes, who outlived her illustrious son by 18 months, leaves behind a legacy of love and dedication.

Celeste Arantes was just 17 years old when she gave birth to Edson Arantes do Nascimento on October 23, 1940. This child would later become globally known as Pele, a name synonymous with football excellence. Widely regarded as the greatest footballer of all time, Pele’s illustrious career saw him secure three World Cup titles for Brazil in 1958, 1962, and 1970—a feat unmatched in the sport’s history.

Arantes married Joao Ramos do Nascimento, Pele’s father, at the tender age of 16. Together, they had another son, Jair, who sadly passed away in 2020 due to cancer—the same disease that claimed Pele’s life.

Pele’s eldest son, Edinho, paid tribute to his grandmother on Instagram, sharing a heartfelt message alongside a photograph of him embracing her. “Rest in peace, grandma,” he wrote, capturing the sentiment of a family united in grief.

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While the family did not disclose specific details about her passing, local media reported that Arantes had been hospitalized for eight days before she died on Friday. At the time of Pele’s death, family members disclosed that Arantes was suffering from cognitive difficulties and was unaware of her son’s passing.

Throughout her life, Celeste Arantes remained a pillar of strength and support for her children. As a stay-at-home mother, she dedicated herself to their upbringing, instilling values of love and peace. On her 100th birthday, Pele honored her with a touching Instagram post, sharing three photos of them together over the years. “From a young age, she taught me the value of love and peace,” he wrote, highlighting the profound influence she had on his life.

Pele’s funeral in Sao Paulo included an emotional stop at his mother’s house, underscoring the deep bond between mother and son. Arantes’ passing marks the end of an era for the family and the football world, who mourn the loss of a remarkable woman who played a crucial role in shaping the life of one of the greatest athletes of all time.

Celeste Arantes’ life was a testament to dedication and love. Her legacy will continue through the memories of her family and the countless lives touched by her son’s extraordinary achievements.

Source: Vanguard article.

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