In a devastating turn of events, a tragic accident along the Kaduna-Zaria highway has claimed the life of the one-year-old son of former Super Eagles star, Tijani Babangida, while leaving his wife, Maryam Waziri, in critical condition.
The accident, which occurred on Thursday, also resulted in the death of Tijani Babangida’s younger brother, Ibrahim Babangida. Maryam Waziri sustained severe injuries, including the loss of one eye and disfigurement to half of her face. Additionally, their maid and another individual involved in the accident suffered fractured bones.
Emmanuel Babayaro, the General Secretary of the Professional Footballers Association of Nigeria (PFAN), confirmed the tragic news, expressing condolences to Tijani Babangida and his family. He disclosed that Tijani Babangida has been transferred to a hospital in Abuja, where he is scheduled to undergo surgery for his injuries, including a damaged knee.
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Babayaro emphasized the need for support and prayers for Tijani Babangida and his family during this difficult time, acknowledging the profound loss they have experienced with the passing of both a younger brother and a beloved son in the same tragic incident.
The football community and fans alike are extending heartfelt condolences to Tijani Babangida and his family, hoping for Maryam Waziri’s speedy recovery and sending thoughts of strength and resilience during this unimaginably challenging period.
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