Amidst escalating tensions fueled by frequent power outages, Guinea’s national electricity company, Electricity in Guinea (EDG), has undergone a significant shakeup. Laye Sekou Camara, the head of EDG, alongside his two deputies, Fode Soumah and Abdoulaye Kone, were relieved of their duties by junta chief General Mamady Doumbouya in response to mounting public outcry and violent protests across the country.
The decision to dismiss the top brass of EDG comes in the wake of tragic events, including the deaths of two children during protests in Kindia and clashes between demonstrators and security forces in Conakry. These incidents were sparked by widespread power cuts that plunged much of the capital into darkness, exacerbating the already dire living conditions in the impoverished nation.
Prime Minister Amadou Oury Bah emphasized the need for accountability, stating, “Those responsible for this situation owe us an explanation and everyone must take their share of responsibility.” The government’s swift action in removing the leadership of EDG reflects a determination to address the root causes of the crisis and restore stability.
Furthermore, in a separate decree, the managing director and deputy of Guinea’s national oil company were also ousted from their positions, signaling a broader effort by the authorities to address systemic failures and inefficiencies in key sectors.
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According to a statement released by EDG, the blackout that triggered the protests was attributed to “an incident on a high-voltage pylon.” However, such explanations offer little solace to the citizens grappling with unreliable access to essential services.
Guinea, despite its abundant mineral and natural resources, has long been plagued by authoritarian rule, economic hardships, and infrastructure deficiencies. The recent upheaval underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reforms to improve governance, alleviate poverty, and ensure basic services reach all segments of the population.
As Guinea navigates this period of uncertainty, the international community closely monitors developments, hoping for a peaceful resolution and a path towards sustainable development for the West African nation.
Source: Channels Television
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