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Kano Gov’t Accuses Police Of Ignoring Gov’s Orders, Questions Eid-el-Kabir Durbar Ban

Kano Gov’t Accuses Police Of Ignoring Gov’s Orders, Questions Eid-el-Kabir Durbar Ban

The Kano State government has raised serious concerns about the perceived disregard by the State’s Police Command for directives issued by Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, the chief security officer of the state. This issue was addressed by Haruna Isah Dederi, the State’s Attorney General and Commissioner of Justice, during a press conference at the Government House in Kano.

Dederi questioned the authority and actions of the Police Command, particularly their decision to ban the Eid-el-Kabir festivities without consulting the State governor or the State Security Council. “I am compelled to ask the question: who is usurping the authority of the Commander-in-Chief?” he remarked, highlighting the governor’s frustration upon learning about the ban via social media.

The Police Command had recently banned the Eid-el-Kabir Durbar activities, citing security concerns due to the ongoing disputes over the Kano Emirship. The police stated that the ban was necessary for public safety and prohibited cultural troupes, costumes, and any durbar-related activities after the festival.

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Dederi criticized the unilateral decision by the police, questioning their authority to override the governor’s orders. He emphasized that the Commissioner of Police has consistently disobeyed the governor’s legitimate instructions, citing orders from higher authorities. “What is the offence of Kano people that the Nigeria Police pencilled them for destruction?” Dederi queried.

In addition to addressing the police’s actions, Dederi responded to a Federal High Court judgement concerning the 15th Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero. The court ruled that the dethroned Emir’s fundamental rights had been infringed upon and awarded him N10 million in compensation. Dederi clarified that the state government had not forced the former Emir into house arrest but had provided the government-owned Nasarawa mini Palace for his stay, with security guards present.

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Dederi defended Governor Yusuf’s actions, asserting that the governor acted within his constitutional duty to maintain peace when ordering the Emir’s arrest amid unrest caused by his arrival in Kano with supporters. “The Executive Governor of the State is the Chief Security Officer of the State. He has the constitutional duty to ensure the protection of lives and properties of the people of Kano State,” Dederi stated.

The state government maintains that the former Emir has not been restricted and continues to conduct his activities freely, as evidenced by his presence on social media.

Source: here.

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