In a recent incident at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos, a female officer of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has come under scrutiny after a video went viral, capturing her demanding a bribe from a passenger. The less than two-minute clip showed the unidentified officer requesting a sum of N5,000 while holding onto the trolley containing the passenger’s luggage.
In response to the passenger’s inability to afford the initially demanded amount, the officer reduced the sum to N3,000. However, even this amount was deemed unaffordable by the passenger, who then proposed a payment of N1,000. This proposition seemingly provoked the Customs officer.
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The NCS has promptly condemned the incident, labeling the officer’s conduct as “unprofessional” and “inconsistent” with the agency’s values. Abdullahi Maiwada, the NCS spokesman, issued a statement announcing the commencement of a comprehensive investigation into the matter.
“We wish to confirm that the Officer implicated is indeed a member of the Nigeria Customs Service, properly assigned to the Murtala Mohammed International Airport Area Command,” the statement reads. It further encourages passengers and the public to report instances of misconduct or corruption promptly, emphasizing the importance of upholding the integrity of the service.
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Maiwada did not disclose whether the Customs officer would be suspended during the probe, but he assured the public that the NCS is committed to fostering a culture of transparency and accountability. The outcome of the investigation will be communicated to the public at the earliest opportunity.
Passengers and the public are urged to remain vigilant and report any instances of misconduct or corruption, as these reports are seen as crucial in maintaining the highest ethical standards within the Nigeria Customs Service.
Source: Channels TV
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