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Nigerian Air Force Kills Over 80 Terrorists in Katsina Airstrikes

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has confirmed that a recent air operation by the air component of Operation Hadarin Daji successfully neutralized more than 80 terrorists and destroyed over 45 motorcycles in Katsina State. This operation, carried out on the night of June 15, targeted a notorious terrorist hideout in the Faskare Local Government Area.

According to a statement released by Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet, NAF’s Director of Public Relations and Information, the strikes were launched following intelligence reports that over 100 terrorists were attacking and burning houses in a settlement approximately five kilometers from Gidan Kare Village. The situation on the ground was dire, with several homes ablaze and the village in a state of chaos.

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“At around 8:30 pm, aerial surveillance revealed multiple houses on fire and the village engulfed in panic. Soon after, 12 motorcycles were spotted leaving the village and tracked to a location near Gidan Kare Village and Kuka Shidda Camp, where they rendezvoused with a larger group of terrorists,” Gabkwet detailed.

He further explained that the terrorists were observed converging from various directions, indicating a coordinated effort to regroup and launch further attacks on nearby villages. Upon confirming the target, NAF promptly authorized the airstrike at 9:40 pm, resulting in the elimination of over 80 terrorists and the destruction of their motorcycles. Surviving terrorists were seen fleeing the scene, with some visibly injured.

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Subsequent intelligence linked the terrorists to infamous kingpin Yusuf Yellow and his associate Rabe Imani. Gabkwet emphasized that this successful operation significantly disrupted terrorist activities in the area, showcasing the effectiveness of ongoing military efforts to restore peace and security in the region.

For more details, visit PunchNG.

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