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NJFP Stipend Payment Update – 21st June 2024

NJFP Stipend Payment Update - 20th June 2024

Empowering Nigerian graduates with opportunities. Launched on 31st August 2021, the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme (NJFP) is a youth empowerment partnership initiative between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The programme aims to connect talented graduates with local job opportunities that apply their expertise while equipping them with world-class practical knowledge and relevant skills.

Progress Update

We are pleased to inform you that the team is actively working to commence the stipend payments this week. Your patience and understanding during this process are greatly appreciated.

Who Will Receive Payments?

Payments will only be made to fellows who meet the following criteria:

  1. Matched with a Host Organization: You must have been successfully matched with a host organization.
  2. Resumed Work: You should have resumed work at your host organization.
  3. Completed Learning Plan: You must have completed your learning plan for May within the specified timeline.

If you meet all these criteria and have not received your payment yet, please rest assured that you should receive it shortly.

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Who Will Not Receive Payments?

Unfortunately, if you fall into any of the following categories, you should not expect to receive the stipend for this month:

  1. Not Matched with a Host Organization: If you have not been matched with a host organization, the stipend will not be processed.
  2. Not Resumed Work: If your host organization has not contacted you or you have not resumed work at the organization, the stipend will not be processed.
  3. Did Not Meet Learning Goals: If you did not meet your learning goals within the timeline for the month of May, the stipend will not be processed.

Criteria for Receiving Stipends Monthly

To ensure you receive your stipend each month, you must adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Timely Completion of Learning Plan: You must complete your learning plan for each month within the specified timeline.
  2. Confirmation of Work Attendance: Your host organization must confirm your work attendance.


We value your commitment to the NJFP program and thank you for your continued patience and understanding. Please be assured that our team is dedicated to resolving any pending payment issues promptly.

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