WhatsApp has made a significant announcement, revealing that it will discontinue its services on specific iPhone and Android smartphones beginning October 24, affecting users on a global scale. This decision follows the company’s ongoing efforts to optimize its platform and provide a more secure and efficient messaging experience.
This development harks back to a previous instance where WhatsApp ceased support for a staggering 42 different phone models from various manufacturers. Now, the focus shifts to smartphones running outdated operating systems.
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As per WhatsApp’s official FAQ page, the app, owned by Meta, will stop supporting smartphones still running Android 4.1 or earlier versions. Additionally, iPhones that have not been updated beyond iOS 11 will also find themselves unable to access WhatsApp.
In light of this policy change, WhatsApp will only offer support for phones operating on Android 5.1 and higher after the designated date of October 24. This adjustment aligns with the app’s commitment to delivering a secure and up-to-date user experience for its vast global user base.
Consequently, users with older devices falling outside these compatibility criteria will need to contemplate upgrading their smartphones to ensure uninterrupted use of WhatsApp’s services.
This decision underscores the importance of keeping your smartphone’s operating system current to ensure continued access to the latest features and security enhancements provided by apps like WhatsApp.
Source: Legit.ng
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