Government & Politics

FG Invests N110 Billion in NYIF to Empower Young Entrepreneurs

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FG Invests N110 Billion in NYIF to Empower Young Entrepreneurs

In a transformative move aimed at bolstering youth entrepreneurship and innovation, the Federal Government of Nigeria has committed to investing N110 billion in the National Youth Investment Fund (NYIF). This landmark initiative, announced by Minister of Youth Development, Dr. Jamila Bio-Ibrahim, during the closing ceremony of a ministry retreat, signifies a substantial boost for the economic prospects of young Nigerians.

A Catalyst for Youth Development

The allocation of N110 billion for the 2024 fiscal year is poised to serve as a cornerstone for youth development. Dr. Bio-Ibrahim emphasized that the NYIF is not merely a financial pool but a dynamic catalyst designed to bridge the gap between youthful ambition and the opportunity to achieve it. By investing directly in the potential of Nigeria’s young people, the fund aims to transform the nation’s economic landscape.

Comprehensive Support Measures Approved by FEC

To ensure the success of this initiative, the Federal Executive Council (FEC) has approved a series of supportive measures. These include:

  • Integrating Skills and Entrepreneurship Development: The NYIF program will incorporate essential skills training and entrepreneurship development, equipping young Nigerians with the tools needed for success.
  • Establishing an Interim Coordinating Unit: This unit will manage projects until a permanent National Youth Fund is established through legislation.
  • Investing in the National Youth Development Bank: A significant N5 billion investment will be made in the upcoming National Youth Development Bank.

National Youth Development Bank (NEXTGEN Bank)

A key component of the NYIF is the establishment of the NEXTGEN Bank, a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Youth Development, the Bank of Industry, and private sector partners. With an initial capital of N10 billion, this pioneering initiative is set to provide tailored financial solutions for young entrepreneurs and youth-led businesses.



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Comprehensive Financial Support

The NEXTGEN Bank will offer more than just loans and equity. It will provide crucial support for young businesses in the form of:

  • Development Programs: Tailored programs to help young entrepreneurs develop their business ideas.
  • Guidance and Mentorship: Access to experienced mentors who can provide invaluable advice and guidance.
  • Access to Resources: A network of resources that young entrepreneurs can leverage to grow their businesses.

The Bank of Industry will contribute N2.5 billion, with the remaining N2.5 billion coming from private sector partners. The bank will be managed by the private sector, ensuring efficient and effective operations.

Revitalizing Youth Development Centers

In addition to financial support, the government has pledged to revitalize youth development centres across the country. These centres will be transformed into hubs for:

  • Skill Acquisition: Offering various training programs to help young people develop essential skills.
  • Entrepreneurship Training: Providing the knowledge and tools necessary for successful entrepreneurship.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Encouraging young people to think creatively and innovate.
  • Career Counseling: Helping young people navigate their career paths and make informed decisions.

These centres will provide safe spaces that foster the holistic development of young Nigerians, enabling them to reach their full potential.

A Collaborative Effort for Youth Empowerment

Dr. Bio-Ibrahim highlighted that these initiatives are just the beginning. The government is committed to tackling the challenges faced by young people, but success requires the active participation and cooperation of all stakeholders. The Ministry of Youth Development urges all partners to work together to deliver the results that Nigerian youths deserve.

Conclusion: A Brighter Future for Nigerian Youth

The investment in the National Youth Investment Fund and supporting initiatives represents a significant step towards empowering young Nigerians. By providing financial support, skills training, and a nurturing environment, the government is laying the foundation for a brighter future for the country’s youth. This comprehensive approach aims to unleash the potential of young Nigerians, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.

Source: PiggyBank

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