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BREAKING: Tapswap Suspends Token Distribution Indefinitely

BREAKING: Tapswap Suspends Token Distribution Indefinitely

The popular tap-to-earn program Tapswap, powered by the TON Blockchain, has indefinitely suspended its token distribution. This decision aims to find the best ways to compensate its extensive user base, as disclosed by John Robbin, Head of Communications at Tapswap, during a session on X Space.

Since its launch on February 15, 2024, Tapswap has attracted over 50 million users globally, with a significant number from Nigeria. The app’s simple concept—tapping an icon on the Telegram Tapswap bot screen to mine coins—combined with the promise of earnings, has driven its rapid user growth.

The token launch, initially scheduled for July 1, has now been postponed, with a new date yet to be announced. Robbin emphasized the importance of involving the community in the token allocation process to retain enthusiastic tappers. “We need a token airdrop to be a win-win for all of us,” he stated, highlighting that Tapswap is actively engaging with various exchanges and platforms to ensure a fair and beneficial distribution.


To maintain the platform’s integrity, Tapswap is taking stringent measures against users exploiting the system. Anyone found farming taps or manipulating the game will face bans. The community is encouraged to participate in background checks to protect genuine users’ interests.

Robbin explained the tapping mechanism: “Just open the app and tap on it; that will give you shares. The more you tap and the more upgrades you do, the more shares you will have when we finalize the tokens on it.” Essentially, increased tapping activity equates to higher token shares once the distribution is settled.

The booster option, which offered a paid feature for rapid progression, has concluded. Robbin clarified that this feature was introduced to balance the competition between new and existing users. The funds generated from this feature are earmarked for app development, ensuring Tapswap’s sustainability and growth.

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With a dedicated team of 25 staffers working tirelessly, Tapswap is committed to long-term success. “We want to be here for a very long time,” Robbin affirmed, highlighting the platform’s future plans and continuous improvement efforts.

As Tapswap navigates this period of suspended token allocation, the focus remains on fair compensation for users and maintaining the platform’s integrity. Users are urged to stay patient and engaged as the Tapswap team works towards a robust and equitable solution.

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain-based earning platforms, Tapswap’s commitment to its community and transparent communication will be key to its sustained success.

Source: Vanguard News

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