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AVACOIN Token Launch and New Features Set to Transform Gold Miners Community

AVACOIN Token Launch and New Features Set to Transform Gold Miners Community

As the gold mining community eagerly awaits the forthcoming enhancements, we bring you a detailed overview of the upcoming changes set to revolutionize your experience. Mark your calendars, as June 1, 2024, is poised to be a landmark day with the introduction of AVACOIN tokens and several exciting features aimed at maximizing your engagement and rewards.

1. Conversion of Golden Dust to AVACOIN Tokens

In just four days, all the golden dust you’ve meticulously gathered will be converted into AVACOIN tokens. This transition marks a significant upgrade in the game’s economy, providing you with more versatile and valuable assets. Ensure you are actively collecting as much golden dust as possible to capitalize on this conversion.

2. Launch of the TASKS Tab

On June 1st, a new TASKS tab will go live. This feature will offer a range of tasks that players can complete to earn additional AVACOIN tokens. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, these tasks are designed to be accessible and rewarding, enhancing your gameplay experience while providing a steady stream of tokens.

3. Staking Opportunities

Another noteworthy addition is the introduction of staking for AVACOIN tokens. This feature allows you to stake your tokens, potentially increasing your holdings through rewards. Staking not only adds a strategic layer to your gameplay but also encourages long-term investment in the game’s economy.

4. The 1,000,000 AVACOIN Contest

To celebrate these updates, a massive contest with a prize pool of 1,000,000 AVACOIN tokens will kick off. This contest presents a fantastic opportunity to significantly boost your token holdings. Keep an eye on the announcements for detailed information on how to participate and maximize your chances of winning.

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Maximize Your Golden Dust Collection

With only a few days left before the transition, it’s crucial to focus on gathering as much golden dust as possible. Here are some tips to help you maximize your collection:

Stay Tuned for Further Updates

The upcoming changes are just the beginning. The development team is committed to continually improving the game and adding new features to keep the experience fresh and engaging. Stay tuned for more updates and be sure to participate actively in the community to make the most of these exciting opportunities.


The gold mining community is on the brink of a significant transformation with the launch of AVACOIN tokens and the introduction of new features. This update not only enriches the gameplay experience but also opens up new avenues for earning and investment. Prepare yourself for June 1, 2024, and take full advantage of the upcoming changes to enhance your journey in the gold miners’ world.

For more information and the latest updates, keep following the official announcements. Get ready for a thrilling adventure as you dive into the new era of gold mining with AVACOIN!

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